Enterprise Information Controller(EIC): Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software

Enterprise Information Controller(EIC)


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About EIC:

This is the Enterprise Information Controller(EIC) project ("genww")
see The limit to make EIC run successfully

Enterprise Information Controller(EIC) is just a open platform that make anyone to create there own plugin.The plugin work with this platform and make user easier to controll and watch the information which they are interested in.

Although at present the features of the project is far from the standard of Enterprise Information Controller(EIC) ,we won't stop wokring to get close to it

What is EIC:

It is a tray based framework.Developer can create many interesting plugin,with these plugin you can choose and get every feaure if you like.

How to use EIC:

The limit to make EIC run successfully

You just need:
1.Download requiredLib.zip
2.Download eic-tray-with-starter.zip
3.Unzip these files and combine them into one folder.

now your EIC have these features:
1.A eic starter
2.eic-tray controller(for more introduce about eic-tray,see eic-tray-readme.txt)
3.eic-tray with spring support

Make EIC have core feature

Make EIC to support spring,hibernate,have database,dictionary system,service system,ui system,have initial features like reminder,serviceMonitor,propertyEditor etc.
It need tray with menu to call come of the feature.So it required eic-tray.jar.
1.Download eic-ui.zip
2.Unzip the file
3.Required(you need combine all of the files into one folder):

Make EIC have hole point time keeping

This is just a example of how to develop a new feature based on eic-ui.jar.You can find just single Class can support this feature in the package.So it require eic-ui.jar.
1.Download eic-hole-point-time-keeping.zip
2.Unzip the file
3.Required(you need combine all of the files into one folder):

Make EIC have desktop scroll message,fast form dialog controller.

This is a extra framework.It based on eic-ui.jar and eic-tray.jar.you can do many things such as scrolling message on the desktop which you are interested in,input or control message with fast top dialog,etc.
1.Download eic-show.zip
2.Unzip the file
3.Required(you need combine all of the files into one folder):

Shortcut Google Search

This is just a example of how to develop a new feature based on eic-show.jar.You can find just single Class can support this feature in the package.Add this package,you can use Google Search with the desktop dialog.
1.Download eic-google-search.zip
2.Unzip the file
3.Required(you need combine all of the files into one folder):

English Helper,you can't miss it

This is a tools for chinese user.It can translate new word by google service,review or scroll new work on the desktop,etc.
1.Download eic-english-helper.zip
2.Unzip the file
3.Required(you need combine all of the files into one folder):

Mini IM

With this component,You can send message or file(s) to your friends.
It use udp broadcast to find user and send message,use tcp to send fils(s).If you want to send file just Drag file(s) to Text Area,then click send button. Not Support send directory at this version.
1.Download eic-im-0.1.0.zip
2.Unzip the file
3.Required(you need combine all of the files into one folder):

RSS reader

You can Subscribe RSS and make them scroll at the desktop.
1.Download eic-rss-0.1.0.zip
2.Unzip the file
3.Required(you need combine all of the files into one folder):


Join this project:

To join this project, please contact the project administrators of this project, as shown on the project summary page.

Get the source code:

Source code for this project may be available as downloads or through one of the SCM repositories used by the project, as accessible from the project develop page.

About Open Source:

Of benefit to users, Open Source software is licensed so you can download and use the software free-of-charge. The source code for this software is made available free-of-charge, you (or a programmer you hire) can make changes to this software to better meet your needs, and you can release your changed code back to the community passing the benefit on to other users.

The exact license terms used by this project on their project summary page and in the licensing documents included in their downloads.

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